Information about Captain Packrat
Captain Troy D. Packrat Birthday: September 3, 1973 Current employment: IT
Manager, Χnergỵ Initial introduction to the "Furry Fandom": Genus
#7, in June 1995 First computer: Non-Linear Systems Kaypro 10, 1982 Current favorite video games: Animal Crossing: Wild World Current plushie count: at least 200 Favorite aircraft flown: Cessna 337 Super Skymaster Favorite book: The Silmarillion,
J.R.R. Tolkien (really!) Favorite charities: San Diego Zoological Society, Yosemite Fund, Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Current number of comic books: 2421 as
of Dec 24, 2005
Captain Packrat Species: Pack rat/mouse Personality: Quiet, intelligent, helpful, sometimes silly/toony Captain Packrat made his first appearance in a fantasy story written for a high school English class, in which the author was magically transformed into a mouse.
(The above photograph of Troy was taken at ComicCon
International: San Diego, 1996.)
(The above drawing of Captain Packrat was drawn by Tygger, and colored by Captain Packrat.)
Captain Packrat is © and Captain Packrat